Stressed out? Try Meditation, Feel Better!

Are you stressed out? Does it feel like the whole world is against you? You are not alone! According to an American Psychological Association survey, 84% of adults reported feeling at least one of the numerous emotions associated with prolonged stress. It is also very evident and understandable that the present COVID-19 pandemic just added more … Read more

What is meditation? What are its benefits and gains?

People use the word “meditation” in many different ways, so I will explain my point of view here: Meditation is a form of energy manipulation to a certain degree. Its main purpose is to create a conscious control of your “mental subconscious”. This means that the activity itself is a good way to perk up your … Read more

Spirituality and meditation

Our body and soul need upkeep just like our cars do. We get reminded of this from time to time when we do not take care of ourselves. A kind of physical spiral in our bodies will let us know that something is not right. But what happens when our physical bodies show no signs … Read more

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