Stressed out? Try Meditation, Feel Better!

Are you stressed out? Does it feel like the whole world is against you? You are not alone! According to an American Psychological Association survey, 84% of adults reported feeling at least one of the numerous emotions associated with prolonged stress. It is also very evident and understandable that the present COVID-19 pandemic just added more … Read more

How to continue your meditation practice

Myth: meditation is difficult You have probably heard of the thousands of studies that have been done on the benefits of meditation. You get it, meditation can do incredible things for you. But you have trouble getting started? Welcome to the club! Just like anything in life, it’s something you must work on. You have … Read more

Is mindfulness and meditation a cure for Burnout?

I have a personal experience I want to share.  Back in 2007, I was diagnosed with professional burnout.  I was of course prescribed some pills to control the “depression” and eventually was able to return to what somewhat a “normal” life within a few weeks of rest. I took these pills for years and until … Read more